Looking For Lurve? Irish Mail Order Grooms are Now in High Demand

You see, with the 'Sexiest Men In the World' title comes GREAT responsibility. And the reason we have a picture of Colin Farrell heading the article is 'cause everyone outside of Ireland thinks he's the blue print for Irish men. That or Michael Fassbender, or Liam Neeson, or Jamie Dornan... 

International dating website, Rosebrides.com (which has a small section for woman looking for grooms), says that the Irish man is a much sought after groom - largely because they're up for the bants. The website, based in Lithuania, claims that the Irish man, "has a great love of conversation and a genuine interest in other people; independence, education, and a good sense of humor are all hallmarks of the Irish man’s character."

The site give a clear indication of the neverending relationship with the Irish Mammy, stating: "strong ties with family members are common amongst the Irish people."

Beaut Baz & Nancy Scandinavia

At the moment there appears to be no less than 173 Irish men on Rosebrides.com looking offering their marital services. The general age bracket appears to be 40 upwards, but 27-year-old Anthony from Dublin seems game for a laugh. 


As for the Irish ladies, well, they may not have made the Top Ten Sexiest In The World list, but that doesn't stop them from possessing "a spark that is missing from so many women of other countries. Irish brides can bring excitement into your life and they can be your best friend and life partner. Irish girls are very social and have energetic personalities; they celebrate all the traditional Irish cultural events with gusto."

Cheers for that! So, internet dating, have you dabbled? Who hasn't at this point?

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