How To Look Good Naked: more top tips

gok wan.jpgHow to Look Good Naked was back on Chanel 4 last night. Now this programme is all about the celebration of different body shapes and making the most of yourself. It's packed full of great tips from Gok Wan, the celebrity stylist. It's not an exercise in humiliation like 10 Years Younger where participants are forced to go through seemingly unnecessary plastic surgery (I didn't know a nose job made you look younger, did you?).

Is it just me, or do you think that the things that make the most difference on 10 Years Younger are the clothes, makeup and hair?

So last night Gok Wan continued in his life affirming way. Again he couldn't impress upon Liz, this week's guinea pig, the importance of proper underwear. He loves Spanx - as do we at And Figleaves were on too, telling us about how corsets and bodices in the bedroom were both sexy and flattering.

Then, in total homage to Prof Reagan's Beauty Parlor (some would say in a total rip off, but not me I'm too kind) four cellulite creams were tested to see which one would make it on to the reporters bathroom shelf. L'Oreal PerfectSlim came last, then, Sisley cellulite pro, third, Dior Plasticity was second from the top and Nivea Goodbye Cellulite was the favourite.

So the cheapie won the day again! What do you think of that?

But the last word goes of course to Gok Wan.


"How do you feel about your body now?" he asked Liz at the end of the show. "Do you love yourself?"

"Yes, I do." she replied

He smiled. "Then my work is done."

Someone give this man a medal!

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