Kylie Jenner Responds to 'Kylie Jenner Lip Plumping Challenge'

Given the challenge is named after her, and it's resulting in teens sucking on shot glasses and therefore crimes against lips such as this, the 17-year-old had to come forth with some form of response. And here it is.

Now the term "experiment with your look" might be open to interpretation - particularly considering her demographic. But to be fair not everyone is partaking in the craze, with some tweeting such things as "I hate our generation. It's so dumb. Like you guys are really sticking your lips in small cups... Do people not realise they're bursting blood vessels?"


As a teen, I succumbed to the forced 'fainting' phenomenon, so - yeah - I probably would've given it a whirl. Thank GAWD social media wasn't around at the time. 

So has Kylie made the situation any better with her response?

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