Kim Kardashian Says 'Pregnancy is The Worst Experience' of Her 'Life'...

That's quite the statement coming from someone who lost her father in her early twenties....

Kim has been taking to her blog to express how she really feels regarding the joy of pregnancy. The experience that women today - and throughout the ages - are expected to be happy about because (usually) there is the blessing of a baby at the end of it. That doesn't mean it's a pleasant experience by any means.

The mother-of-one wrote a post entitled: "From the Desk Of: How I Really Feel About Being Pregnant." It won't be an easy read for those desperately trying to conceive, or those who have just experienced the loss of a baby, but this is from the desk of Kim. It's just her opinion.

Kim Kardashian seen in New York City wearing a large fur coat and Pink Floyd t-shirt Featuring: Kim Kardashian Where: New York City, United States When: 15 Sep 2015 Credit: **Only available for publication in UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Australia. No Internet Use. Not available for Subscribers**

"I'm gonna keep it real: For me, pregnancy is the worst experience of my life! LOL! I don't enjoy one moment of it and I don't understand people who enjoy it." Because - all going well - you get a baby at the end of it, Kim. She adds: "Maybe it's the swelling, the backaches or just the complete mindf—k of how your body expands and nothing fits. I just always feel like I'm not in my own skin." That's because you're growing someone else's skin.

Of course, there's more: "People just don't tell you all of the gross things that happen during pregnancy or after. Do you know you basically have to wear a diaper for two months afterwards?! LOL! No one told me that! #SoSexy." The reason why no one talks about it is because the future of the human race depends on a certain level of ignorance.


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West out in New York Featuring: Kim Kardashian, Kanye West Where: Manhattan, New York, United States When: 08 Sep 2015 Credit: TNYF/

Obviously, fearing an inevitable backlash, she ended her post with a complete 180: "Really, it is all SO worth it when you have your precious baby in the end! So for all my complaining, it's 100 percent worth it and more!!!"

While the experience can - at times - be comparably to the most horrendous hangover from hell, for months on end, that there's no magic pill or massive fry up that can make you feel better, it's not forever. Its a means to an end. And you get to wear the most outrageous outfits should the whimsy take you.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West seen out and about Featuring: Kanye West, Kim Kardashian Where: New York City, New York, United States When: 14 Sep 2015 Credit: **Only available for publication in Germany, Austria, Switzerland**

New York Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2016 - Givenchy - Front Row Featuring: Kim Kardashian, Kanye West Where: New York, New York, United States When: 11 Sep 2015 Credit: Jeff Grossman/


Do you have any pregnancy horror stories you'd like to share? Or were you just happy to have a healthy baby at the end of it?

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