Kelly Clarkson 'jokes' she 'hates' fellow new mum Chrissy Teigen

Over the weekend, new mum of three weeks Chrissy Teigen (who also happens to be a genetically blessed on account of being a model 'n all) posted a pic to her Instagram of her casually making brunch in a pair of short shorts and a crop top... It instigated many comments, the most prevalent of which was 'HOW DOES SHE LOOK LIKE THIS ALREADY???'

Mother's Day Brunch - low and slow scrambled eggs, chicken and waffles and roasted bacon, oh my!

A photo posted by chrissy teigen (@chrissyteigen) on

In short, she's a model. Presumably her body is predisposed to recover in record time. This makes Kelly Clarkson's recent tweet all the more relatable...


The fellow new mum, who gave birth to her second child back on April 12th, was then quick to extend an invite for a playdate. You know, when their babies can sit up by themselves 'n stuff.

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