June Editor's Letter: The Future is Female

This month, our readers will see lots of changes happening to the site. We know that the Future is Female and we want to honour our readers with the best content available.

Yes, there was reason to celebrate when the country decided to Repeal the Eighth Amendment on May 25th. Women - and men - weren't "jumping up and down" in front of Dublin Castle because hurray! Now we can all get abortions. Anyone who properly followed the entire journey to the referendum last month will know that that was not what Repealing the Eighth was about. The celebrations when the final results came through wasn't because of one word. Those who cheered, cheered because of the years of campaigning that ultimately led to the people of Ireland making our country a better place to live.

In an opinion piece for the Irish Times (an essential read for understanding the complexity of the referendum and its aftermath), retired Irish Judge Catherine McGuiness said she 'could not resist a moment of triumph after 35 years.' Who could deny her - and her sisters-in-arms - that?

Woman power

We know that women are strong, powerful forces to be reckoned with. But frustratingly, we still aren't seen as completely equal in too many areas of society. Exasperating and insulting attitudes towards women who care about how they look don't hold back equality, but they don't help. For the most part, it's not 'society' telling us we need to look a certain way to get on in life, it's our decision to watch hours of YouTube videos on perfecting the cat-eye flick or doing GHD curls. (Like it's another person's decision to spend a full day on the couch watching sport.)


Here at Beaut, we recognise our readers as smart, passionate, funny, modern women who happen to have an interest in beauty and style. That's why we want to serve you the best we can offer in beauty and style news, reviews and all the other good stuff.

Beaut is on the cusp of another journey. Guests at the Beautie Summit: Summer Edition will get a first look at the changes happening within our community; do stay in touch to keep up with all the exciting things we're preparing for you.

The future is female, but so is the Right Now. We look forward to continuing the journey together.

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