It's Playsuit time! What do you reckon?

Spring is here, and though in Ireland it means more interesting weather (Gale force winds AND sunshine...Yay?) in our favourite high street stores it means one thing - time to get the legs out.

From mini skirts to the shortest of short shorts, once March hits it's impossible to purchase clothes suitable for an Irish spring. I don't mind though, cos it means my favourite item of clothing will be available in abundance - the playsuit.

I know, I know, they have their downsides. You can forget about retaining any dignity in the loo - if you need to pee, you're going to have to get naked.


You also need to choose one that's cut well in a mature print/colour, or risk looking like an overgrown baby. Anything baggy, like this one from New Look, is a big fat NO in my playsuit rulebook.  I'm also not into this denim piece, also from New Look, which calls to mind Britney and Justin circa 2001.

They're tricky, but if you get it right the playsuit is just that - a fun, playful and often unusual choice for a night out. I think they're especially flattering if you're petite and definitely a better choice than their sister the jumpsuit for all short ladies.


Bestselling playsuits from Boohoo

They're also handy if you're the type that gets up to mischief. While you mightn't be able to climb things in a skirt (for the sake of decency), in a playsuit, the world's your oyster. Just my opinion.


I may tell you to choose a playsuit in a mature print or colour, but in reality I disobey my own rules. My favourite playsuit is this vintage number, which I picked up on my J1 in Toronto last summer (see me posing awkwardly in it above). With its colourful floral print, it treads dangerously close to giant toddler territory, however paired with sheer tights and Doc Martens I hope I manage to make it look somewhat mature (emphasis on somewhat).

Despite the risks involved in sporting a playsuit (and despite the fact that I already own two), I can't keep away from them. This houndstooth one from Topshop caught my eye the other day, along with this pinafore playsuit, also from Topshop. Judging from what I've seen on my frequent trips to the high street, pinafores (both skirts and shorts) are huge news for spring, and I will definitely be snapping one up to wear with a collared shirt and my trusty Docs.


What do you think of playsuits - should we leave them to the toddlers, or embrace them (and completely stripping off in the loo)?

Love or Hate?  Tell us in the comments!

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