We love a bit of social meeja talk here at Beaut.ie so we do. And we are just a little bit obsessed with drooling over the amazing style pics on Instagram from our home grown fashion talent as well as our international peers. When you set up an instagram account for the first time it can be a little overwhelming as to who to follow, based on your interests or passions.
So we thought we would give you a hand - here are our top five Instagram accounts for the fashionista in you!
In no particular order..
1. Chiara Farragni (instagram.com/chiaraferragni)
The world renowned blogger (her blog is The Blonde Salad) shares pictures of her global travels and fashionable adventures, which will you have you envious of her amazing life. This lady certainly works hard and has laboured for over six years to become one of the fashion world's most loved and respected bloggers.
You will love her style posts, the behind the scenes shoots and a glimpse into the life of a full time fashionista.
2. La Petite Anglaise (instagram.com/lapetiteanglaise)
British fashion blogger, Ella Catliff is one of the best dressed people I know; her inherent style coupled with an immense fashion knowledge that knows no bounds, has made her one of the UK's foremost voices on fashion. I met Ella for the first time last year, and thanks to many visits to London we run into one another regularly.
On her instagram, she shares her latest style shoots from her collaborations with designers like Matthew Williamson and Ralph Lauren, and her view from the front rows of fashion weeks.
3. Shelly Vella (instagram.com/shellyvella)
Shelly is the Fashion and Style Director of Cosmopolitan UK who certainly gives a real time view into the world of fashion editorial through her incredible insta-pics. From her inspiration, to style icons, to a sneak peek at the shoots to be seen in Cosmopolitan, Shelly's instagram is one of my personal favourites to follow.
4. Style Me Curvy (instagram.com/stylemecurvy)
Louise O'Reilly, the voice and style icon behind one of Ireland's leading style blogs, Style Me Curvy is a true authority on fashion, from her work as a professional model to fashion blogger. Her blog has led her to receive some amazing accolades including the Best International Fashion Blog By Cosmopolitan in 2014. Her style advice, through her blog and instagram account will keep you up to date on all things style!
5. Concrete Collar (http://instagram.com/concretecollar)
Fusing the world's of fashion and architecture, this account is aesthetically beautiful thanks to imagery from the catwalk right through to inspirational structures. Run by Ciana March and Becky Wallace (both Irish) I look to this account for ideas and solutions when it comes to fashion; the balance of two industries is depicted elegantly and once you follow it, you WILL become obsessed.
And, you know, you can always follow me. If you like.
Do you have any Instagram favourites? We'd love to hear about who you love and who has you unfollowing quicker than you can say #nofilter?