Instagram Has Taken Umbrage with Chrissy Teigan's Nipple

Listen, we've been here before - many times, most notably with Chelsea Handler who was more upfront about it.

Chrissy Teigan, meanwhile, decided to post a photoshoot she did with W Magazine to the social networking site only for it to be deleted. Then she reposted it three times under different guises thanks to an array of artistic interpretations (like the 'pencil sketch' incarnation below), and it still got deleted.

She then opted to post a variation of the pose, featuring a cat, which the Instagram Gods deemed appropriate...

The repeated deletions have been causing a stir on twitter, with all walks of life getting emotionally invested in the matter...


Scout Willis, who was reportedly banned from Instagram for daring to bare her nipple previously posted the below. Fair point. Glaringly fair point.


Have you any thoughts on the matter? Are you of the opinion that every nipple should be under wraps irrespective of its owner's gender?

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