News just in - I think that I am now old.
See, I can tell this very easily about myself because I wasn't excited about a recent birthday (it kind of felt like that first Christmas when you realise that the bearded-man doesn't exist) and because I was a bit scandalised watching the latest Agent Provocateur AW14 ad. Oh, the youth of today, skipping and bouncing around in their underpantalons - not in my day, I tell you. Now pass me my smelling salts.
Have a look for yourself and tell me if I am just a bit curmudgeonly.
It's the Irish dancing and the skipping, I feel like I am invading someone's privacy. Jean Butler never dressed like that.
And don't models really have a crazy existence? One minute, they're on the catwalk, the next minute they're in a G-string being directed by Penelope Cruz to do a jig in the middle of the desert in front of a extremely dehydrated male model.
Imagine explaining that to the neighbours when they ask what exactly you do in your job when you pop over for a cup of tea and a Star Bar.
Mind you, if the aforementioned Star Bar-bearing neighbour is a young fella, he might actually be delighted with your description. Because Star Bar are currently running a competition called 'No Nuts, No Glory' but I have a sneaky suspicion that I am not their target audience (it's reminiscent of those 'Yorkie, Not For Girls' ads).
You can check out Georgia Salpa and the, eh, climax chat in the promo video below - it's grand though, there is no skipping or haon, dó, trís in this one.
Do you think I could have the money equivalent in Star Bars instead? Now that would make for a fabulous birthday.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to organise a set dancing class for the ladies above.
What do you think of these ads? Are they harmless entertainment, the equivalent of the Diet Coke ad? Or is there something else at play here? Tell us in the comments!