Has Heidi Montag Devised a New Fashion Accessory?

Whatcha got on yer arm there, Heidi? And we're not talking about Spencer Pratt (*badtum-ting* I'm here all week, etc, etc), rather the strips of black tape emerging from the underarm area.

Heidi Montag, of The Hills and largely last seen lolling about the set of Celebrity Big Brother back in 2013, attended the 'We tv's The Evolution of Relationship Reality Shows' event last week with a unique fashion accessory. 

She explained in an interview that it's kinesio tape: "I had minor surgery for severe tendinitis and the tape helps the muscles heal faster. I forgot my jacket and Spencer [Pratt] said it looked cool so I went for it. I felt like I had a giant tattoo for a night, it was so cool!" Not nearly as cool as your shoes, has to be said.


For those looking to replicate Heidi's alternative to a barcode tat for whatever reason (no temporary tattoo stencils or henna artists to hand), or maybe you just fancied adding sleeves to a vest on a chilly night, we strongly advise steering clear of potential alternatives to kinesio tape - like gaffer tape or duct tape. It's very tricky to get off, particularly for the more hirsute of us.

We jest, of course. But have you ever been tempted to wear a temporary tattoo to see if it'd suit, or would you just jump on in to the inking parlour?

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