I was out and about in town this weekend just gone, and talk about full steam ahead to Christmas. The shoppers were out in force getting ready for the festive season. 'Twas a lovely sight.
But at the same time, it instilled sheer panic in me because even though I shared some Christmas stocking ideas last week, I have taken no action. But I figure research is technically preparing, right? I reckon it is *assures oneself*.
I'm rather liking the stocking idea and I think I might venture towards this for my family too. Now, I want to spend a little more on them (they're just a bit important) so let's up the stocking budget to €60, shall we?
I like to mix and match the items that go in a stocking. Something for your home, something to snuggle in (dressing gown or pjs), something sparkly and perhaps just a trinket you would never buy for yourself.
I don't think I'd buy ear muffs for myself so I think I'll be adding these to my own Christmas list. And while getting pjs might seem a little boring, it's something I love getting. Hint hint, mum.
And with €60 you can fill up the stocking with lots of little bits and pieces, or you can opt for fewer but more expensive things. So I'm giving you both options to choose from.
If you are choosing just a few pieces, then look at one main gift, like leather gloves or a wool scarf, and add to it with some accessories like earrings or a bag. It's another idea to gift your loved one something you know they have been lusting after. I have been paying visits to these H&M leather gloves, and I'm refraining from buying them. Alternatively, I am dropping hints to my husband that these really should be in my stocking.
So let's allow the thinking-about-presents gate to open for those of us that are super prepared and tell us, what would you like to find in your Christmas stocking? Have you picked up any bits yet or are you still holding off until December 1st?