Kourtney and Kendall Jenner went to a gig yesterday both dressed for a night of throwbacking
Kendall Jenner has started to dress like a not-cool 1990s mom and I love it. Her jeans are just a bit too bargain basement. The boots have a distinct whiff of Marcy from Married with Children. And her t-shirts just look too big, not oversized. She gets away with it because she's a hawt model - but you could too because everything about it screams irony.
'90s inspired style is so in right now and Kendall is taking it to the bottom level. When I try to interpret Winona Ryder and sometimes, for night time, Cher Horowitz, Kendall is going for Brandon and Brenda's 90210 mother. In 1994, Mrs. Walsh probably wouldn't wear a t-shirt with a cowboy image and you wouldn't be seen dead with rips in her jeans, but this is the year 2018, and people evolve.
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Kourney, on the other hand, wore jeans in a newspaper print. We can't recommend.