
The quick and easy foundation hack you'll love

Don't go chucking away your too-dark foundations just yet

Quiz time: Who is your celebrity makeup twin?

Now, how do we cheat to get Gwen Stefani?

The ultimate guide to wearing blue eye shadow

5 ways to keep up with the trend

Video tutorial: How to achieve a cool cut crease

Sneak peak into our Beauty Ed's studio

It's competition time on the Beaut.ie Instagram

You really don't want to miss out on this

The sunglass trends you need to know for #SS16

With TV3 fashion expert, Rob Kenny

Sneak peek: Gwen Stefani for Urban Decay Lipsticks

Check out the swatches and review here

Our Top 4 Gorgeous Gift Ideas for €50

You may just want to treat yourself

Beauty Gift Guide: Alternative Make Up Gifts

We're thinking outside the make up kit

Most Talked About Beauty Looks of the Week

It's all shiny locks, lashes and brows

Beaut.ie Fix: The Most Popular Stories Of The Week

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We Review & Create Eye/Lip Look with NEW MACnificentMe

Latest launch from Mac is a riot of colour