Editor's Letter: You've got a friend in me - all this month on Beaut.ie

'You've Got a Friend in Me', is May's theme on Beaut.ie. There's no better relationship than the one you have with your friend, or, if you're lucky, friends

Loneliness is the worst emotion. It's worse than sadness or anger or embarrassment because, with them, you can often share in that feeling. The saddest thing about lonely people is that they crave company. They want to talk and laugh and even cry, as long as it's with someone else. They want a friend.

If you have a feeling someone might be lonely, please reach out. Because having someone to call a friend is the best thing in the world.

This month, we're honouring friendship. We're contacting that someone we're really quite fond of, but haven't seen in a while. We're organising that girls' night we've been promising to do for ages. (My group of friends discovered Doodle, and it makes it much easier.) We're sending care packages to pals in Oz, and Canada, and London. And Tralee. This month, get in touch. Let your friends know you love them. And thank your lucky stars you have them.


We're giving away a lovely prize this month, beauty goodies for you AND your bestie. To enter, just go along to our competition page. But keep an eye out on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where you can quadruple your chance of winning.

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