Can you believe that the last ever season of Downton Abbey starts tonight on TV3? I went through a nostalgic internet binge the other day when I saw the trailer, looking at photos from season one till now. So sad (as in pathetic - but also waiiiilllll).
The series spans from 1912 to 1925 which is a long time in fashion, and my, does it change. It's not like the Crawley ladies were going around in spandex and cone bras the last time we saw them, but going from confining Edwardian corsets to Mary's daring bob was quite dramatic.
Mary wasn't the most stylish Crawley sister however; throughout the years that privilege belonged to Edith. Loosening up considerably since the first season, Edith discovered freedom and independence after the war (and more than her fair share of being jilted) and her wardrobe reflected that. God, I spent way too much time thinking about that. Or did I?
Her alter ego, Laura Carmichael, has developed serious style chops of her own and she has become one to watch on the red carpet as she often makes interesting and unusual choices. While most people are drifting towards the more subdued colours of autumn, Laura has skipped the cold months and gone straight to spring with this beautiful Dolce & Gabbana number.
Accessorising with a dainty clutch and strappy metallic sandals - because you wouldn't need anything more - she looks fresh and radiant and confusingly not out of place on the September red carpet. Perhaps it's the long sleeves?
Her hair and makeup makeup suit the look perfectly too. Got a wedding next spring or summer? This is one great look to emulate.
Our very own Sarah Bolger also attended the event, in a simple (very autumnal) ensemble that we think would be a perfect work ensemble. It nods to this seasons '70s trend in colour and with the subtle pussy bow feature; we'd also keep our hair and makeup nice and simple, as Sarah does.
Are there any other looks you rate from the 2015 BAFTA Los Angeles TV Tea event?