Denise Richards Calls Charlie Sheen's PR Out on Twitter

On Father's Day, Charlie Sheen unleashed a bile-riddled twitter rant regarding his second ex-wife Denise Richards. She responded with an amazing level of serenity and class. Now, she's getting angry. Understandably.

Sheen's rep Jeff Ballard felt the need to clarify his client's tweets by releasing a statement to People Magazine saying: "Charlie was upset and chose to express his displeasure through his Twitter rant." Seemingly Charlie's upset stems from his choice to go to Mexico and extending the invite to Denise and their daughters Sam and Lola. Ballard added: "Charlie doesn't live in Regretville. He doesn't make excuses, and when he voices his displeasure he's honest."

Taking to twitter herself, Richards retorted: "Jeff I think you had way too much to drink @jeffballardpr & lost your memory dude. Zip It."


A source close to Denise said Charlie never invited them to join him: "Charlie hasn't seen his daughters in about two months. And he had no plans to be in town for Father's Day. There was no invite for Denise or the kids for them to join him in Mexico... Denise is doing her best to take the high road. Her number one concern is her children. She knows that they are at the age where they could become aware of anything being said or written about them or their family, and she's trying to protect them."

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