Coloured trousers on men - like it or loathe it?

Fashion is ridiculously sexist.  Women are encouraged - nay expected - to try out every crazy trend that comes along.  But men just don't get on board with this notion and stick to a safe palette of black, grey and perhaps navy.  Especially on the bottom half. Legs coloured in anything but shades of denim and black are usually reviled.

So unless you're Jedward or Francis Brennan, coloured trousers can be very difficult for men to pull off.

But the pairs below aren't too bad are they?  They nod to the trend without being screamingly loud? (The stone coloured pair are a bit er snug though, and I honestly can't imagine where he might have tucked his mickey).

Generally though the slagging and raised eyebrows are only the half of it.  Usually men like to play it safe with their fashion choices - picking a look and not straying from it for say, twenty years or so.  Those jeans and that military shirt he sported when he was sixteen?  Chances are he'll still be wearing almost identical versions of them when he's thirty six.


It takes a lot of confidence and fashion sense for a guy to strut around in a pair of red skinny trews or canary yellow jeans.  And yet they're IN, they're HOT and they're so now dahlink.

Could you see the fellas of your acquaintance taking to this trend en masse?  Perhaps they already have as its been around for a while.

Or would you find it a complete and utter turn off/on if you found your guy in a pair of lime green strides?

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