Getting fit may sound awful right now, but it's easier once you're wearing cheap but chic workout gear
I know, I know. How could I possibly even type the words 'workout' and 'gym' when it's only January 3rd, and we're still not out of the post-Christmas break funk. Well, it's because it's January 3rd and that slump ain't perking itself up through half-price selection boxes. Listen, I'm in the same boat. And that boat is rocking all over the place thanks to my husband's cough that's been keeping both of us up at night. But we can't fight the fact that get-fit related social media posts and ads and magazine articles will be everywhere by Friday, the official end of Christmas. So let's just accept it now.
I have a bag full of gym gear that needs recycling asap. It's all transparent leggings from Penneys and free t-shirts from various promotional events. Not chic. Not that workout clothes need be chic - hey, if you're comfortable working out in your 15-year-old school gym shorts, do it! But, like with everything I do in life, I feel better when I look the part. If I'm going to go to the gym *shudder* I'm going Instagram ready. (Not that I'll actually be posting any sweaty-faced pictures to any form of social media, but you know what I mean.)
I'd rather spend the dregs of my disposable income on proper clothes obviously. But, the high street stores are well ahead of us. They know that the likes of you and me are looking for workout gear that looks fancy but isn't (we'll upgrade once we have abs).
F&F SS18 Activewear Collection (Tesco)
Coral Print Gilet €28 / Watercolour Print Leggings €12.50 / Watercolour Print Crop Top €10 / Rainforest Print Leggings €20 / Sporty Black Slip Ons €20 / 2-in-1 Rainforest Print Vest €18
Sports Jumpsuit €27.99 / Sports Tights €22.99 / Light Running Jacket €44.99 / Sports Trousers €22.99
Low Slip On Grey Trainer €16 / Black Legging €8 / Tropical Gym Bag €12