Charlize Theron and Sean Penn Have Called Time on Their Engagement

Not too long ago, Sean Penn essentially said he'd discount both his previous marriages (to Robin Wright and Madonna) because Charlize Theron is the only woman he's ever really wanted to marry. To be more specific, he said: "You say I've been married twice before but I've been married under circumstances where I was less informed than I am today, so I wouldn't even consider a third marriage, I'd consider it a first marriage on its own terms if I got married again. I mean, I like the tradition." He may regret saying that now she's reportedly ended things with him after 18 months of dating. 

According to Vanity Fair, things in Cannes didn't go so well for the couple, where the 39-year-old actress was promoting Mad Max: Fury Road. A well-placed "mole" said: "Theron... was the one to break things off with the fellow Oscar winner..."


Last year, when speaking with Vogue, Theron said of the relationship: “Sean and I have known each other for 18 years. We were just really good friends. And it's been slow going because you are aware that you could screw that up and lose it. We had to think about it... We get so stuck in wanting to predict the future that we forget the moment that we're in. And the moment that we're in is just really good... The marriage thing is always so strange to me anyway. I love the possibility of anything, but I'm really enjoying myself and the everyday moment and how that coincides with my son and my life and my friends."

As for the reported engagement, a source said: "There's no ring, but they are committed."


It's always sad to hear of a relationship breaking up, but in this instance - given how he allegedly treated Madonna during their union - it's probably for the best.

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