My nephews are twins, eight years old and wonderful humans. We have debates that Vincent Brown would only marvel at. Is 'The Lego Movie' superior to the big screen 'Scooby Doo'? Is God an alien? Are Brussles sprouts just baby cabbages? Why is my bottom squishy?
I can't answer many of them except the last and I suggest it's linked to cake ingestion. But the reason could be because I am wearing special posterior pants (I'm not, it's all me but I could be).
Debenhams have just launched their new range of bum boosting jeans and the claim is that they can add 'an extra two inches on vital statistics, as well as a significant 20 degree rise in overall curvature to the rear'. That's some bottom line.
These 'Shape Enhancing Jeans' from designer Jasper Conran (€67.50 in sizes 8-18) are cashing in on the booty zeitgeist. Now the main image is not of my personal posterior but you can see from the brand's before and after pictures at the top of this article that there is a definite increase in lift and what I would call 'The Shelf Factor' (it's handy when you have a handbag in one hand, a coffee in the other and you need to scratch your nose).
And the ladies leading from the front rear are our friends Kim K, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azalea and J-Lo; all paid up members of the Bottom Brigade (to varying degrees, I think Kim and Nicki might be in a league of their own).
But until my nephews comment that my bottom is in need of boosting, I think I'll be giving these a miss. And you know what, I'm sure they'll tell me.
What do you think of the new generation of inch-adding, bottom-boosting jeans? Would you be tempted to give them a go or do you already have ample, thankyouverymuch? And if you'd like to read all our jeans jargon, you'll find plenty of tips and choosing tricks here.