bags of style

loop makeup bag.jpgEver on the lookout for stylish makeup bags, to hold our objects of desire, we were totally thrilled to come across This witty site (helping men buy gifts for women - I love it!) is packed full of uber classy handbags, jewellery, sleepwear and loads more luxe goodies.

Men are gently hand held during the present selection process. It's like having your very own personal shopper. Is the gift for a birthday? An anniversary? Choose an option and the site suggests the perfect gift.

Little details make this site different. Browniepoints realises that men are fallible and reminds them of important dates. And helps them out in other ways too. For example men in the doghouse can select the option "I'm in trouble" and choose a gift worthy of this occasion.

But there's nothing to stop us gals cutting out the middle man (literally) and heading straight over to ourselves to bash the plastic.


I'm totally loving this Warhol inspired makeup bag by Loop. It costs €29 and delivery is free. Plus to make it ever better there's a 20% discount in October!


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