Images from ASOS*
It happens every fecking year. When the weather starts to get colder I look in my wardrobe in search of something warm and cosy to wear and find ... nothing.
I find some crappy hoodies, boots with worn down heels and jumpers far far far beyond their best. Dresses have shrunk in the wash (well I hope they've shrunk in the wash...), tops are too thin and flimsy and I can't even find the thermal vest Beaut.ie Mammy always hopefully helpfully buys us each winter.
What did I wear last year? I wail to myself in some kind of demented interior monologue.
Well this year I've decided to get myself sorted. A shopping trip is planned, the style gurus of Whatshewears and Helpmystyle have been asked for advice and have most helpfully responded with tips and suggestions (thank you guys!), ASOS* has been pored over and I have an idea of what I want - at last.
What about you? What do you have your eye on this season?