Wow, Cheryl is getting it from all sides, and not in a good way.
Last week, Louis had a go over her being "lazy". But, to be fair, everyone just assumed he was in a mardy mood after news broke he was officially leaving X Factor. But now Alesha Dixon has thrown her oar during an interview via The Mirror.
Speaking of performing her latest track 'The Way We Are' during the live finals on BGT this week, the singer said: "I’m not afraid (of singing live). In the past Cheryl has been given a bit of stick, but we’re different artists. I'm not one of these people who shy away from a challenge. I always sing live, that’s standard for me. It's my job so that's why I have to got to look after myself."
Again. Wow. And just to break up the article, here is a photo of Cheryl and Alesha during happier times, before they climbed Kilimanjaro in aid of Red Nose Day back in 2009.
Cheryl had this response to Louis' comments: "I'm beginning to wonder if Louis has an obsession with me...I mean this is every year whether I am or am not a part of the show...and btw..this is the same man asking me what he should say to contestants on our way to the stage bc "he doesn't know" ... Dear Lou Lou. Try using your mouth to say something positive abt something positive."
We wait with bated breath to see what she has for Alesha.
But in the real news, how different does Geaaraaay Beeaaaarlow look in that picture?