Adventures in Drunk Dialling and Tiddly Texting

Aziz 'Tom Haverford' Ansari has many strings to his bow, don't you know. He isn't just a stand up comedian, or starring in Parks and Recreation, he's also author of Modern Romance - "A hilarious, thoughtful, and in-depth exploration of the pleasures and perils of modern romance from one of this generation’s sharpest comedic voices."

Here, on Jimmy Fallon, Aziz explores the first Textual Experience of Jimmy Fallon's viewers, many of which would pay vast sums of money to purchase a rewind button for life.


Have you ever got 'texty' while inebriated with fear-inducing results? Or was your first textual experience a good one, leading to long-lasting relationship? Or have you buried your phone for your own safety... Speaking as someone who fell asleep with her phone in her hand and repeatedly sleep-dialled a love interest for him to hear me snoring, I'd love to hear your stories and wear them as a comfort blanket.

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