Lookit, some people are just not into wearing novelty jumpers. That includes anything with bobbles or whistles or 3D figures and images of Santy or Rudolph and the like. For some people, even the thought of wearing a cool jumper (IMHO) that says "Prosec Ho Ho Ho" brings them out in a nasty rash.
For the past couple of years, I've been sneaky about my Christmas jumper wearing. Last year, for instance, I wore a thin red sweater but with a cute little gold Stag charm necklace. That's Christmassy, right? Right! You can trick people into thinking you're wearing something 100% festive with such sly tactics.
I found this jumper recently in New Look €24.99, that totally does the job. You can start wearing it now, but at Christmas , you'll be like a walking decoration.
I found this one in Stradivarius €25.95 a while ago that will also work poificly. O stars of wonder, stars of night, stars with royal beauty bright...
Boohoo.com €24 - it's loose (in all senses of the term) but it's glittery so, there.
Yep, this will do. Marks and Spencer €40
And, I'll let you steal my red jumper trick. Here's a good one from Zara €29.95. Look! It has fancy sleeves.
Accessorise with these (all from H&M, and might I just say, they have a fab jewellery selection at the moment).
My work here is done.