During the week I took myself off for a little treat, to Kameleon in Dublin.
I'd never had a Yon-ka facial before and I was dying to see what all the fuss was about. Well, I have to tell you, I was impressed, not just with the product, but with the attention to detail Kameleon pay to their treatments.
Monika cleansed, masqued and smoothed my skin until it felt like new. No easy task, because as usual, it managed to be both dehydrated AND congested. Three things stood out about this facial.
- Hot stone massage techniques are used through the whole pampering process. The stones are placed under your neck and shoulders and replaced as they cool. This was bliss. Then in the final stages of the facial they're also used on your face. This was bliss times ten.
- Look away now if you're squeamish. My areas of congestion are congested no longer. This is a great place to go for an extraction - every single blackhead is squeezed - and they've all gone. Every one.
- A glycolic peel is included in the facial if you request it - and this is a brilliant way to get a glycolic. And it's a much cheaper way to get it done.
All in all - I'm thrilled I tried Yon-ka. The products are gorgeous, they smell divine, the facial ritual is fantastic and this French range has products to suit all skin types.
Check out Kameleon and book in for a gorgeous Yon-ka facial. I also had a much needed pedicure - I'll tell you about that another day!