The makeup gun has gone on a homicidal rampage throughout bootcamp, indiscriminately spraying everyone in its wake in thick, full-coverage foundation, heavy, unblended Panda-style eyeshadow and lashings and lashings of lipstick. Nary a divil a bit of blusher is to be seen in sight for many a mile.
Serious crimes against eyebrows are occurring. By the minute.
An overuse of bindis and stick-on face jewels has been noted.
Bras are in short supply while knickers are suddenly de rigeur as outerwear.
Never mind the fact that half of them sound like a bag of cats - there are some some serious challenges for the wardrobe and makeup department to contend with before we get to the live stages.
What have been your most noted crimes against makeup so far? TO THE COMMENTS!
Pic credit: tellymix.co.uk