Holy Cow Batman - what's happened to Wonder Woman?
Hmmm I don't know Robin. She seems to have lost her big blue knickers and gone for the goth look in a big way.
Suffering succotash Batman she's got leggings on! And a jacket! Even Megan Fox is going to have a hard time sexing up this look!
My spidey sense tells me Robin that this is going to shake things up in DC Comics. Wait until the boys get a load of this. The public aren't falling for that removing spectacles and stripping down to your pants thing anymore. You need to look tough to be a superhero now
Crisis in Gotham City Batman! To the Batmobile! And can I drive?
No you can't Robin (adjusts sexy armour). And another thing - didn't they also get rid of annoying sidekicks?
Comic Book Guys around the world are not impressed and have been shrieking in outrage online ever since they've first seen this proposed change. Wonder Woman's had a makeover prior to her new cinematic outing in 2013 and she's toughened up. Gone are all the traditional Wonder Woman trademarks - the big knickers, the red bodices, the knee high boots and the acres of bronzed flesh. Men (and women) around the world will weep.
Instead there's leggings and a jacket - because she'll need pockets to put things in apparently. Pockets to put things in! Wonder Woman needs nothing but her bracelets and her headband to strike fear into the heart of even the most evil criminal. Her makeup is darker, her skin is paler, and although she has lost her red lipstick could she be bang on trend with her brown lips?
What do you think of the new Wonder Woman look? Like it or loathe it?