Because he made an off-colour sexist joke about her on Twitter, that's why.
Jackson Murphy, a teenage film critic that runs the site Lights Camera Jackson, tweeted a photo of himself with Schumer on the red carpet with the caption "Spent the night with @amyschumer. Certainly not the first guy to say that. #CriticsChoiceAwards"
Schumer was not impressed with the tweet and came back with a slick burn:
To his credit, Jackson put his hands up and owned his mistake. He immediately deleted the tweet and offered up his apologies to Schumer.
@amyschumer I truly apologize. Thought you'd like the joke. I should leave the comedy to you! Thanks for the photo. Glad you won last night!
— LightsCameraJackson (@LCJReviews) January 18, 2016
I truly apologize for the tweet I posted earlier. I'm not a comedian and it wasn't funny. @amyschumer
— LightsCameraJackson (@LCJReviews) January 18, 2016
And like the class act that she is, Schumer forgave him.
@LCJReviews that's really okay honey. I just remember thinking you and your dad were sweet and it was a bummer to read that
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) January 18, 2016
'Cause let's face it. She's awesome.
Was Amy right to respond? Do you think the Twitter burn was necessary? How would you react?