Part three in the murky world of 'sleb-based beauty secrets! We've taken a gander at what six stars like to slap on their faces when they're not pretending to like other stuff more, and here are three more I've-delved-deep style revelations.
First up, the always experimental Rihanna. She might be able to afford all the umbrellas she likes but the Alien Princess (© dlisted) scrimps on lashes, preferring the budget Ardell brand which you can bag at Boots for about a fiver. Now, I must add a caveat before my next 'celebrity' dish. It's ex-S Clubber Rachel Stevens and yes, I know she's not very famous at all, but she DID do Strictly, she DID get her engagement ring swiped off her finger and she DID just get hitched, so she's had a few column inches recently. So I'll graciously allow her into my celebrity secrets series. Yes, yes I know I am so very kind.
Rachel keeps her peachy skin perfect with Caudalie's Beauty Elixir, apparently, and it seems to be working. Last up for today is one of my fave telly ladies: Lauren Laverne. Great style, great makeup, so I'll forgive her the Crosby Stills Nash and Young obsession. But apparently Lauren's lovely skin is hard-won and she uses Clinique's Anti-Blemish Solutions three-step programme to help her porcelain complexion looking perfect.
Whaddya reckon? Do any of you use any of the above, and if so, how do you find 'em?