Before and after pics for most of my clients are a pretty private thing and are simply a great tool to gauge progress. Most wouldn’t dream of putting a picture of themselves in their underwear out there for the world to see. But my client Eva is so keen to encourage other young women to take the step to a healthier life that she is happy to share her experience.
There are some of you who know exercise is good for you but may think “that’s just not for me”. I’m hoping you might like to hear Eva’s story and be inspired by her as I am. She really has transformed her life and is loving it. I just wish there was a way of seeing a before and after ‘feeling’ and not just the physical features.
Here’s what Eva has to say:
Despite fat loss being my original motive for change, keeping fit and healthy has become so much more than an effort to be lean; it has become my lifestyle.
I began 2016 as your typical couch potato. I saw exercise as an activity only for people who wanted to punish themselves and something that required far too much energy. I was almost certain that salad-eaters must be hurting inside, which gave me great comfort in eating whatever the hell I wanted. At least I was happy, or so I thought. (And not moving very much).
However, it is now almost five months since I let go of my former ways and I’m feeling better in myself than ever before. Exercise has become a regular and enjoyable component of my life, and my diet has transformed for the better.
As a teenager I had no interest in sport and wasn’t very active, so to see myself get stronger and fitter over the weeks has given me a great sense of achievement. I always feel so great after exercise, be that a session in the gym, some cycling or running, or half an hour of yoga practice. That feeling of greatness can become very addictive.
Changing my eating habits has also worked wonders for my overall wellbeing and health. Not only do I personally feel that I look better, but more importantly I feel better. Changing your diet can take a little getting used to during the initial stages, but as you begin to form healthier habits it becomes easier to master. When you wean yourself off processed food and eat better more often, the desire for sugary and unhealthy food becomes less prevalent. You start craving the good stuff.
That being said, it’s important to treat yourself from time to time as balance is essential to sustaining a healthy lifestyle in the long run. Patience is also key. It’s important to be patient with your goals because results take time. Even when you feel like nothing is working, don’t give in. Persevere and the changes will occur.
For me, happiness is progressing towards my goals while simultaneously enjoying the process. So if you currently resemble the me of a few months ago and feel like making a change for the better, why not give it a go? It might turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made. Once you get on track, there’s no going back!
Fiona and the guys in Metabolic Fitness really have been a great support, always encouraging, and even though I’m only at the gym twice a week for an hour at a time I know it’s working, and I’m getting the results.
I hope there are some of you out there that take inspiration from Eva’s story as it takes guts to put yourself out there like this. As a personal trainer, I give my clients advice and bring them through a workout. It’s up to them to do the rest. I love seeing results like this because it is a lot more than just fitting into an outfit - it’s seeing someone feel more confident and energetic. And it really is my favourite part of the job!
You can email me here info@metabolicfitness.ie or message me on Facebook if you have any questions on classes or personal training. My new six-week female course starts next week, and there are still a few places available!
Until next week,
Fi x