Imagine the feeling. There you are, on live television in a spangly LBD you're particularly proud of (she tweeted prior to the report, declaring her love for he dress) when suddenly a grey cardigan is thrust at you off camera. Joy, followed by mild confusion, that "oh crap, they're serious" moment, and then all following feelings go south after that...
Here is KTLA's Liberté Chan going through each of these emotions while reporting live from LA... a place not known for it's cold climate.
At least she makes the most of her new accessory before pointing out that "Well, that other dress didn't work, so I had to wear something!"
The video from @KTLA. They handed her a sweater LIVE ON THE AIR because they were "getting a lot of emails." #KTLA pic.twitter.com/ADPb0poVDS
— Megan McGrath (@meg_mcgrath) May 14, 2016
Prior to the report, Chan had tweeted her excitement at wearing the dress for the report...
Even if it's early in the AM, can't beat a black beaded dress @KTLAMorningNews @AidanMattox @PistolandStamen pic.twitter.com/HYy1KUMYH1
— Liberté Chan (@libertechan) May 14, 2016
Since then, people have been tweeting their support...
Whoa. @KTLA! I didn't like the dress either, but you didn't have to make her cover up - ON AIR - like that. How embarrassing.
— Heather Poole (@Heather_Poole) May 14, 2016
@libertechan @KTLAMorningNews @AidanMattox @PistolandStamen cannot believe @KTLA humiliated you live on air.....
— Jamie Woodruff (@jamie_geek) May 15, 2016
@libertechan @KTLAMorningNews your dress is lovely & you looked great. I'm sorry that happened to you. You deserve better.
— rashannaUPDATES (@kyle_eckert) May 14, 2016
It's the weather, not war news. Her dress was fun & I'm glad she wore it @petew77 @libertechan @Heather_Poole @KTLAMorningNews @AidanMattox
— Elizabeth Miller (@LizMillerVA32) May 16, 2016
@libertechan should of walked off the set when they handed you that sweater
— Lando (@LtwoP) May 15, 2016
Your dress was classy, you are a class act @LiberteChan. @KTLAMorningNews handing you that dowdy sweater onscreen... not so much.
— Ron (@ronmynameis) May 14, 2016
As for the "emails" being sent in, one of them reportedly said: "Looks like she stayed out late at a party and came to work in the same dress. Not appropriate for the morning weather report." This sentiment was echoed in some resulting tweets...
@LizMillerVA32 @libertechan @Heather_Poole @KTLAMorningNews @AidanMattox it's a place of work. Not a cocktail lounge. Unprofessional
— peter whittaker (@petew77) May 16, 2016
Opinions aside, everyone's talking about KTLA and will no doubt tune in to see what Chan chooses to wear next, thus proving what a pioneer Jean Byrne is.