We Need to Talk About Kelly Osbourne's Granny Hair at the Golden Globes

kelly osbourne

The verdict on professional brat Kelly Osbourne's Golden Globes hair and makeup was that her mother looked younger than her, and that's never a good thing when your ma is a complete battleax, and you're more than half her age.

But, Beaut.ies, is Kelly's grey-toned gruaig to blame here, or is it the severe 'do she had going on? I like the lilac colour she's had washed through it the last year or so and down it can look really great.  It is, of course, a matter of opinion: so take the poll and then tell us in a comment what you think. Is it 100% awful all of the time or just a momentary red carpet error of judgement?


Pic credits: empireonline.com; zimbio.com; deliciousinpink.com

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