Ah. The first time you leave the child. It's either the best or the worst feeling in the world. Either way, it doesn't make you a bad parent - you gots to pay the bills!
Mila Kunis has crawled out of the baby bubble to promote her new film Jupiter Ascending, and it's been a bit of a rollercoaster. She's namely petrified that her child has been left with her over excitable father...I relate. Lara was only a couple of weeks old when I found the husband holding her aloft, flying her around the living room.
As for how she entertains the baby - apart from hauling her around in a papoose while she hikes all day (whatever about how she lost the baby weight; how does one get such lustrous shoulders?!), apparently Wyatt is into playing with "rope or string", which immediately raises alarm bells, but sure I'm sure she keeps a close eye on her.
Tis a far cry from the early days when Ashton Kutcher made her go on Tinder and Grinder... Imagine finding Mila and her shiny shoulders on Tinder.