Love was very much in the air on last night's Celebrity Big Brother, or perhaps horniness would be a more accurate description. The housemates embarked on a drunken game of Truth or Dare which basically seemed like an excuse for Jeremy, Tiffany and Scotty T to shift each other, oh and Darren Day to give yet another heartfelt speech about something or other.
All this kissing however caused some tension between Stephanie and Jeremy who are a bit of a house couple, despite Stephanie having a boyfriend on the 'outside'. Jeremy was having none of it however as we saw at the end of last night's show, pointing out how it was one rule for her and another for him.
The pair have obviously made up though if tonight's preview is anything to go by, with Stephanie even telling Jeremy that she loves him, with him telling her the same, although we really already knew that.
Aww they're cute and all, but we fear heartbreak is ahead for our Jeremy...