Aspiring singers of Ireland, now's your chance for success, fame and... oh wait, sorry, this is The Voice. Sure you might get on the telly anyways.
The Voice UK moves from the BBC to ITV next year and as part of the move, they are planning on getting more Irish fans of the show by bringing the auditions over here in what will be a series of open-mic nights.
Auditions will begin taking place as soon as next week, with the International Bar in Dublin holding one on Wednesday, while there will also be one in the Grafton Bar in Cork on Thursday night. It's thought the show plans to mix it up this year too by also looking for groups. Don't worry if you can't attend an open audition, however; you can still apply for the competition on ITV’s website.
The news may not go down too well in The Voice of Ireland camp, with rumours rife that this will be the show's last season. Although a spokesperson has said, "They’ve done it before, it doesn’t bother us."
Yeah, we're sure they'll still find an impressive winner for The Voice of Ireland like... eh... hmm.