Tyra Banks & Chrissy Teigen Go Full on Naked Face on Live TV

For the record, this is NOT how you should take off your eye make up, but obviously they're under time constraints - and TV grade make up is like sparkly cement. 

While Tyra has gone make up free quite a few times in the past, this seems to be a first for Chrissy Tiegan, who is insisting on using a mirror. And she's right to use a mirror; how else do you know when your panda eyes have completely gone?

For those thinking "Hey, that's how I take off my eye make up, what's the problem?" Mammy taught me to grab my eyelashes first, between my thumb and forefinger, and rub them gently against each other (without yanking them out, mind) to get the mascara off - instead of just rubbing it into your eye socket and repeatedly smearing it down your face.

No wrinkles. Not that many, anyway.


Have you perfected another way to remove mascara without tearing the eye-skin off yerselves?

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