The RTE autumn schedule launch took place yesterday in Dublin where all the familiar heads were there in their Sunday best to chat about what's on the lineup on RTE over the coming months.
The talk of the town was of course Ray D'Arcy's upcoming Saturday night chat show that will kick off at the end of September. There has notoriously been a rivalry between The Late Late Show and whatever offering was on hand on RTE on a Saturday night, going all the way back to Kenny Live days, however Ryan Tubridy has no intention of carrying that forward.
We caught up with The Late Late Show host yesterday at the launch where he said; "One of the things I wanted to make sure wouldn't happen was that there wasn't going to be some tawdry rivalry between the Saturday night and Friday because it's unnecessary, it's unhelpful and it's unpleasant.
"So what we have with Ray now is this new world order with two fellas hosting the shows who actually get on and respect each other."
He went on to say; "I wish him well, I saw him there today and he's confident, he's in good form and he's going to be great."
Although he won't be having him as a guest on The Late Late Show anytime soon saying; 'No, he wouldn't want to and it just wouldn't make sense'.
Yeah yeah, be entertaining though!
It may all sound like the UN over in RTE towers at the minute but Ryan did later say though when talking about the show ratings that he 'wants to be the best, and I'm going to try and be the best'.
So yeah, it may not be quite the bromance if Ray D'Arcy follows in Brendan O'Connor's footsteps and starts to out-do Tubbers in the ratings, but at the moment it certainly looks like the rivalry is friendly at the very most.
Best of friends or a showbromance?