Tom Ford: you total and utter ride


"Smell this!" said the Bliss lady in BT the other day. "It's our new scrub".

"Mmmm yummy" I agreed half heartedly.

The world of cute citrussy smelling girlie delights (even new ones) had faded into insignificance. I was unable to concentrate, as all my senses were overtaken by the huge sexy pictures of Tom Ford nearby.

"Haha" said Kirstie. "I know what you're looking at. Absolute sexy beast isn't he?"


"Why yes" I said (or words to that effect). We headed over to peruse the fragrances - which are pretty damn sexy themselves. "Ooooh imagine this on himself?" said Kirstie holding up another stylish black glass bottle for us both to have a sniff. "Pity we can't bottle him, wha'?"

I know the slogan "Tom Ford for men" says it all - but that's no reason why we can't give him the adoration he deserves And this famous story cracks me up every time:

Years ago, when Tom Ford was creative director at Gucci, he spotted Victoria Beckham out and about wearing some of his designs. Worried about the negative effect that this could have on the brand, he allegedly called his London PR and demanded to know who was responsible for putting Posh into the outfit.

The PR told him that she had bought the clothes at full price at the Gucci shop. Ford is reported to have screeched: "Well, somebody stop her!"

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