When Amy Schumer's not stealing the limelight from Kimye on red carpets, she could also be found hanging out with the likes of Tina Fey, Patricia Arquette and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
The talented ladies feature on Inside Amy Schumer's latest episode, where she stumbles across the women toasting Louis-Dreyfus' 'last f*ckable day', which is explained as; "In every actress' life, the media decides when you finally reach the point when you're not believably fuckable anymore."
The women give the example of how Sally Field went from being Tom Hank's love interest in Punch Line and then twenty minutes later she was his mom in Forrest Gump. (Wait, yeah!)
Witty as ever, the sketch is filled with plenty of comical one-liners like that... if only it wasn't so damn close to the truth.
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