We seriously doubt that when April Hamlin from Elkmount, Alabama, let her two and half year old bloodhound, Ludivine out for a pee in her back garden last weekend, she expected her to come home with a medal. But that's exactly what happened.
The pup managed to sneak out of the back garden and wander over to the starting line of the county's inaugural Trackless Train Trek Half Marathon. She then proceeded to run the entire 13.1 mile course, crossing the finish line in seventh place, with an impressive time of 1:32.56.
Ludivane is putting the Trackless Train Trek half marathon on the map! ?
Posted by Elkmont Half Marathon - The Trackless Train Trek on Wednesday, 20 January 2016
April only learned about Ludivine's exploits when race volunteers texted her pictures of the dog wearing its finishers' medal.
‘My first reaction was that I was embarrassed and worried that she had possibly gotten in the way of the other runners,’ she said.
According to other runners, Ludivine was prone to distraction and often wandered off course to investigate other houses and at one stage a dead rabbit. Despite this, she always managed to remember what her main priority was and would get back to the task at hand. She was determined to finish.
‘I can’t believe she ran the whole half marathon because she’s actually really lazy,’ April concluded.
Via Metro
This weekend we went on a hike that was supposedly 5k. It wasn't. It was more like 500k. Have you ever inadvertently participated in activity?