As we look back on 2014, we can say there's been some highlights and some pretty awful cultural moments. Yesterday, we listed eight things that we are glad to see the back of, now here's a selection of some things we'll miss about the year that was 2014.
- Being Able To Slag Robin Thicke
Since his most recent album, Paula, sold 530 copies in its first week, it's fair to say that Robin Thicke's career is probably finished. Yes, he was a total douche - but dammit, we're going to miss having fun at his expense. The album itself was god-awful, with some truly shit lyrics and songs. But more to the point, we can't slag him and his invisible basketball any more either. Ah well.
- Thinking Holograms Are Cool
When the whole idea of hologram performers became a thing, we thought it was going to be The Future. But, instead, we got weird projections of Tupac and Michael Jackson that were, in all seriousness, not very convincing and kind of creepy. They're not sentient. They don't have personalities. It's just a weird-looking lightshow that someone is dancing awkwardly next to. Jacko is probably moonwalking in his grave.
- Brian O'Driscoll
2014 saw the final days of Brian O'Driscoll's professional career and it's fair to say that he's the finest rugby player this country has ever produced. We'll miss you, B'OD. At least we have your wife Amy Huberman to keep us entertained!
- The Fall
As The Fall came to its stunning conclusion, a line was effectively drawn under the series. But moreover, there's no more Gillian Anderson vamping it up in Belfast. Yeah, fine, Jamie Dornan was a decent actor and very attractive - but Gillian Anderson. No words!
- People Caring About Miley Cyrus Being In The Nip
As Miley Cyrus continues her journey of "self-discovery" - that's what we're calling it - one thing has become abundantly clear. She doesn't like clothes. In fact, she's partly responsible for the trend of visible mid-riffs in women's fashion and tongues being stuck out - a lot. What's more, however, is that Cyrus wants to be naked. And that's great. The female form shouldn't be demonised or held from public view. But, honestly, we get the feeling that she's doing it for shock value. And nobody cares any more.
For a period of time, the country was in the grip of nostalgia and it looked like line-dancing was back in action. Thanks to bad public planning and an overzealous promoter, it all went downhill. The turn from beloved country music icon to public enemy was incredible. The whole debacle was either highly amusing or deeply upsetting, depending on where in the country you lived. Looking back, you've got to wonder what came over us. What made us think that 1994 was a place we all wanted to go back to?
What will you miss about 2014? Anything from the year that just won't be the same as we enter 2015? Let's chat in the comments!