There be spoilers so avert your eyeballs if you don't want to know!
UTV Ireland: 7.00pm
Brenda is convinced that someone has stolen the memorial money, and she wouldn't be far off. Bob asks Carly for the money back, but she insists that it's too late, he then ends up approaching Val for a loan, but she says no. Desperate to do something, Bob discreetly plants money from a payday loan company in Brenda's apron, but then Brenda starts to doubt her memory, and Carly and Val even add to this by suggesting she has been absent minded lately. This leaves Brenda worried that her tumour is back. Ah here, the lies and deceit are starting to get way out of hand for this lot.

RTE 1: 7:30pm + BBC 1: 7.30pm
It's the day of Jean's wedding but Stacey is still determined to find out what that key is for, and won't let it go. She goes to Jean's house and looks for anything the key might open, although later on the pair make amends, but don't think that will be the end of it anytime soon. Meanwhile, Carol is concerned about new redevelopment work on local flats and calls a meeting with the locals to discuss the matter, where she finds herself going head to head with Ian.
Fair City
RTE 1: 8:00pm
What about that Tommy 'ey? Knowing all along about 'lil Wayne? Jane tells Bob this tonight and he is convinced Tommy has ulterior motives, so decides to tell Wayne and Orla. It all ends in a confrontation with Wayne informing Tommy that Judith lied to him about the baby. Don't think he'll buy that though. Meanwhile, Dolores returns home from hospital and is put out that no-one told her Tommy was back in town. Elsewhere, Max is due home for his and Farrah's anniversary. Oh yaaaaay. (Sarcastic yay) Looks like Farrah and Renee may have another visitor to worry about though too...
We miss Glenroe. And Fair City's Tommy is unhealthily obsessed with Kilkenny, non?