Last night 17-year-old Louisa Johnson became the youngest ever X Factor winner although it was pretty clear she was going to walk away with the title from the start, and that is reflected in this year's voting stats.
One act that we definitely didn't predict to do so well was Louisa's fellow finalists Reggie and Bollie, who seemed very obviously a novelty act that would do like all novelty acts did and leave after week four or so.
However, as you will see from the numbers below, the pair actually received more votes than winner Louisa in week four and week five, although Louisa managed to rightfully secure the top spot most weeks.
We can barely even remember who those contestants were during the first few weeks, Bupsi? Alien Uncovered?? Not a notion.
- Vote 1
Louisa Johnson - 15.9%
4th Impact - 11.2%
Anton Stephans -10.7%
Monica Michael - 9.1%
Ché Chesterman - 8.7%
Lauren Murray - 8.4%
Reggie 'N' Bollie - 7.4%
Seann Miley Moore -7.3%
Mason Noise - 6.1%
Max Stone - 5.8%
Alien Uncovered - 4.8%
Kiera Weathers - 3.4%
Bupsi - 1.2%
- Vote 2
Louisa Johnson - 15.3%
Reggie 'N' Bollie - 13.0%
Ché Chesterman - 12.5%
Lauren Murray - 11.2%
4th Impact - 9.0%
Max Stone - 8.5%
Anton Stephans - 7.5%
Monica Michael - 6.3%
Mason Noise - 6.1%
Seann Miley Moore - 5.5%
Kiera Weathers - 5.1%
- Vote 3
Louisa Johnson - 16.4%
Lauren Murray -14.1%
Ché Chesterman - 14.0%
4th Impact - 13.2%
Reggie 'N' Bollie - 13.0%
Mason Noise - 9.8%
Anton Stephans - 8.0%
Monica Michael - 6.1%
Max Stone - 5.4%
- Vote 4
Reggie 'N' Bollie - 21.6%
Louisa Johnson - 21.5%
Lauren Murray - 14.8%
4th Impact - 13.8%
Ché Chesterman - 12.8%
Anton Stephans - 12.3%
Mason Noise - 3.2% (left after Saturday freeze)
- Vote 5
Ché Chesterman - 22.2%
Reggie 'N' Bollie - 22.1%
Louisa Johnson - 21.1%
Lauren Murray - 18.4%
4th Impact - 16.2%
- Vote 6
Louisa Johnson - 31.5%
Reggie 'n' Bollie - 27.0%
Ché Chesterman - 20.9%
Lauren Murray - 20.6%
- Vote 7 Freeze
Louisa Johnson - 44.5%
Reggie 'n' Bollie - 35.2%
Che Chesterman - 20.3%
- Vote 7 Final
Louisa Johnson - 53.9%
Reggie 'n' Bollie - 38.9%
Che Chesterman - 7.2% (left after Saturday freeze)
Did you have anything to do with Louisa's victory? Are you as flummoxed as we are as to how Reggine 'n' Bollie did so well?