Cathyfly's back with another pithy contribution - she's cast a stern grooming eye over the cast of The Apprentice, and here's her verdict!
I flippin' love the Apprentice. And while last year's Oirish version provided endless entertainment and comedy value on a weekly basis (who could forget 'Secretary Watch'?), there's nothing like the Suralan UK version to show Dr Bill how it's done.
Apart from the boardroom carnage, one of my favourite bits of the show is the few minutes where we get to sneak a peek at them all getting ready in the mornings. There's Kate applying 57 coats of mascara, there's Philip GHD'ing his barnet, and there's Ben applying the EU Brylcreem mountain to his smug little head.
So let's make use of these grooming insights! Here's how you can achieve the look of your favourite Apprentice character:
Noorul: Liberally smudge dark grey shadow all over the lids, into socket and below eyes. But really what he needs is a lend of some of Philip's Touche Eclat
Kate: Fake tan, fake tan, and more fake tan. I loved her quote from a few weeks ago 'If I put fake tan on before bed it means I don't have to wear foundation the next day.' Eh, no love, it just makes you orange.
Ben: Don't shave for about 3 days. Then liberally apply Johnson's Holiday Skin all over the face & neck (skipping the chin because eh, you don't have one), making sure you rub it right into the stubbly bits to achieve a look akin to 'foundation caught in the hairline' (ref Orla in the Irish Apprentice)
Lorraine: Avoid washing hair (or indeed self) for approx four days. Forego any use of foundation. Apply orange blusher to cheeks and fetching shade of red lipstick all over mouth area without aid of mirror. Cultivate Susan Boyle-style eyebrows for maximum boardroom frowning potential
Something there for everyone, I think you'll agree.
But of course, the real beauty icon is the lovely Margaret. Those steely grey locks, perfectly offset by on-trend lilac eyeshadow and berry lips, make her a lady we can learn from in both beauty and business.
Tune in next week to see if Debra's bizarre habit of applying creams to her face and body every five minutes (even over makeup!) succeeds in making her slippery enough to escape the boot yet again?