Sexting. Everyone's at it!
It's one of those things I've put on my 'Must Learn' list. Along with baking, Spanish and operating a sewing machine without sewing parts of myself to other parts of myself.
Sexting just makes me cringe a bit. (Probably because I'm bad at it!) So I like to shut it down before it gets out of hand.
Him: "Hey baby, what are you wearing? xxx"
Me: "Oh that lovely necklace your Mam gave me for Christmas, how IS your Mam? Haven't seen her in ages!"
I suppose I've just seen too many prominent politicians caught out sexting pictures of their wangs! I don't want to get burned! But sexting IS a life skill I'd dearly love to learn. As a single lady I really must develop and expand my skill-set, and as a fan of instant gratification I'd love to get to grips with the whole phenomenon.
I have a friend who credits basically her entire LTR (long term relationship) to sexting. This particular couple started out long-distance and used sexting to keep the spark. Without sexting their 5 year relationship might never have gotten started, and they are the BEST COUPLE EVER! (No exaggeration!)
Well, now there's an app for that! (Inevitable!) Durex Australia are currently developing Fundawear (not to be confused under any circumstances with FunderLAND), underwear that contains little vibrators that'll vibrate at the touch of a smartphone button! The idea is still in development, so you can sign up to test Fundawear (And if you do, I REALLY want to hear about it!).
You can also watch a video of a couple using the technology (which made me feel like SUCH a dirty perve!) - it's NSFW so be warned.
So what do you reckon? Think you'll give this a whirl or are you like me and haven't even got to grips with regular sexting yet?