You need a password for everything these days. From your email to your phone and all the apps on your phone and your online banking and that annoying security thing that comes up when you try to book a train...*sigh*, it's blimmin' exhausting.
It can be hard to remember lots of different combinations of words and letters to safeguard your private data and for that reason, so a lot of people - and we mean A Lot - tend to use the same passwords a lot of the time. Unfortunately are not very creative when it comes to inventing one that they're sure they will be able to remember (so that makes it very easy to guess. Muhahaha.)
SplashData make annual lists of the most popular passwords that have been stolen and made public throughout the year, and in case you needed any further confirmation that a lot of people are either stubborn or stupid (or both), these results are here to offer that proof. Yes, '123456' and 'password' still feature right up at the top, and if you're using them as your password, then you're a little bit of a silly billy, but at least you're not alone in that.
- 1. 123456 (Unchanged)
- 2. password (Unchanged)
- 3. 12345 (Up 17)
- 4. 12345678 (Down 1)
- 5. qwerty (Down 1)
- 6. 123456789 (Unchanged)
- 7. 1234 (Up 9)
- 8. baseball (New)
- 9. dragon (New)
- 10. football (New)
- 11. 1234567 (Down 4)
- 12. monkey (Up 5)
- 13. letmein (Up 1)
- 14. abc123 (Down 9)
- 15. 111111 (Down 8)
- 16.mustang (New)
- 17. access (New)
- 18. shadow (Unchanged)
- 19. master (New)
- 20. michael (New)
- 21. superman (New)
- 22. 696969 (New)
- 23. 123123 (Down 12)
- 24. batman (New)
- 25. trustno1 (Down 1)
In brackets is the comparison with their position from 2014's list, and while "trustno1" sounds cool in your head, it's not. It really, really isn't. Also, 'michael'? We'd really appreciate if someone explained that one.
Via Gizmodo
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