Hands up, I'm too ancient to know much about Taylor Swift excepting her curly locks and the Kanye debacle, but I'll tell you one thing for nothing: should the Beaut.ie dad ever catch wind of her existence, he'd be unable to resist referring to her as Swift Taylor unto time immemorial. See also; Olivia Neutron Bomb, John Revoting, etc.
But I did see that she's launching a new scent in October, Wonderstruck, and the packshot tugged a cobweb-adorned memory. I've seen a bottle very very like that thar bottle before, I knew I had. It nagged away in the back of my mind for a few days and I just couldn't remember. But it was from my teenage years; a time of crushed velvet black leggings, biker boots, No7 green cream and a marked lack of blusher. I knew Aisling liked it too. I'm pretty sure it was battling for space in the bathroom along with the Aapri, Anne French and Buf Puffs.
No good, it wouldn't come. But like a lot of things in life, I knew where I'd get the answer: Twitter. @lurganista was the first to answer my plea with " sun moon stars...Karl Lagerfeld methinks." YES! Yes! Lots more of Beaut.ie's Twitter followers helped out too - thanks ladies, much appreciated.
Look! Remember! It was VILE! I don't know what I was THINKING! Let alone SMELLING! Gick.
And I had *completely* forgotten that it was a Lagerfeld scent too - scarlet for you Karl! I bet you'd like to wipe all evidence of that off the face of the earth considering your fashion status elevation since, eh? Sun Moon Stars was apparently an oriental floral (what was I doing wearing it then!?) which launched in 1994.
I drowned myself in it for several years following that date and if you're still a fan then you'll be delighted/amazed/shocked/appalled (delete as applicable) to know it's still available. I found it on Fragrance Direct* €11.44 for 30mls. Form an orderly queue, etc.
Whaddya think - does Taylor's bottle bear more than a passing resemblance, or is it just mere coincidence? Do you remember Sun Moon Stars and did you too douse yourself in its ways as a means to (not) attract the opposite sex? As always - to the comments!
*indicates an affiliate. Find out what that means here.