I was rather surprised when this email popped into my inbox the other day.
"I'm a f**king self made multimillionaire. I have so many f**king Michelin stars I can't f**king count the f**kers any more. I've got a beautiful wife and kids, a full head of hair and a seriously f**king fit body which I don't mind showing to the world whenever the opportunity presents itself.
But b***cks to all that because my f**king lines are seriously getting me down. They're like the f**king Grand Canyon, yes? B**tards.
Aphrodite, you're my last f**king hope. What can I do?"
The email was unsigned.
So, with no clue of who could have sent it, I thought of botox or fillers. But if my mystery correspondent didn't want to go down this route he could always try one (or all) of the seriously heavy duty wrinkle erasers out there - Freeze 24/7; Rodial or StriVectin.
StriVectin's Deep Wrinkle Serum penetrates deep into the skin to act at the base of wrinkles and it can reduce their appearance. It decreases the look of sharp, deep lines. So this was my potion of choice.
We know at Beaut.ie that StriVectin have amazingly effective products. So why not give this a go Gordon?
Oh b***cks, I said his name.